CCE Objectives
The CCE curriculum emphasizes the inculcation of core values, social and emotional competencies and civic literacy, global awareness and cross-cultural skills that are critical for students’ character and citizenship development, to better prepare our students to thrive in a fast-changing and highly-connected world. Values and competencies are explicitly taught during character and citizenship education lessons and infused throughout the curriculum as well as through reflection and experience.
Students learn through key student development experiences such as character and citizenship education lessons, Values in Action (VIA), Co-curricular Activities (CCAs), Learning Journeys (LJs), P1 and P2 Programme for Active Learning (PAL), Education and Career Guidance (ECG) Experiences, National Education (NE) Commemorative Days, Outdoor Adventure Learning (OAL) Cohort Camps and Student Leadership Development (SLD) programmes. Â Service to the school and community, leadership roles and responsibilities, CCAs and project work are various platforms and opportunities for students to apply what they have internalised and learnt. In the process of contributing their time and resources, and working with one another, students live out the school values and play their part in the community.