Curriculum Approach
At Ngee Ann Primary, the goal is to provide students with the foundation they need to participate in today’s digital world and be prepared for future technology use by introducing basic use of technology and the internet in a safe and responsible way.
The ICT department will also promote the inculcation of 21st Century skills of thinking, communication, collaboration and management through its programmes. This will ensure that all Ngee Ann Primary pupils will embody the four domains of these skills and be confident, self-directed learners committed to life-long learning, concerned citizens and active contributors.
Teachers will play an integral role in the process. They will explore various assessment modes such as SLS, Koobits and DuDu Town to create multiple and appropriate platforms to promote collaborative learning.
Students will also be taught the importance of Cyber wellness, which includes net safety and etiquette, copyright issues and respecting intellectual property. This will in turn help to develop the pupils’ awareness of the dangers in the internet and empowers him to take responsibility for his own well-being. In addition to Cyber wellness lessons, pupil leaders, Cyber Champs also share with the whole school in several Cyber wellness topics like ‘Internet Safety’.